You are the Absolute Leader of the country of Emburia.  Although having absolute control isn't always the easiest, can you keep your fragile country intact while also your own ego?

Special thanks to:

Music - Ellie Chraïbi
Helping with Editing - Matthew Hellenbrand
Helping with writing - Sara Skubiszewski
Logo - Anja Kolundzija

Development log


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Seems cool!  I softlocked on the Hunger day, though- I tried to click an option that didn't exist, and then when I went back, all the options were greyed out and going back just reloaded the Hunger page.

thanks for the for feedback! Yes this was sadly due to me not having enough time to playtest everything. The fix should be online in a few days!

Wow, very well written. I have to ask, did you use a game engine or is this just pure HTML?

Hiya! Thanks for the nice words :) It was made with Twine and Sugarcube2 as a story format!